AMA Charter Club #3117

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Forum FAQ's
Newsletter FAQ's
Web Site FAQ's
Building FAQ's
Q:  How do I register on the District VII forum?

A:  You must register on the AMA District VII forum before using the forum and signing up for the "private" area. You can find step by step directions here (2.5 MB pdf file)

Q:  I'm registered, but I can't read the Holly Cloud Hopper forum?

A:  After you register on the AMA District VII forum, you must sign-up for the Holly Cloud Hopper usergroup before gaining access to the club's "private" area. You first request usergroup membership, you will then be notified by email after the Cloud Hopper moderator approves your request. You can find step by step directions here (1.5 MB pdf file)

Q:  How do I post a picture on the forum?

A:  The following link developed by Martyn Griffin (Midland RC Modeler's Club) provides step by step directions to add attachments to your posts:

Q:  How do I post a message on the forum?

A:  The best way to do something on the forum is just to do it. You can't hurt anything. To make your first posting, here's what to do:
1 - Go to the forum.
2 - Click on "introductions" towards the middle of your screen
3 - Read the other introductions that members have posted so far
4 - Click on "new topic"
5 - Click your curser in the subject line and write hello from (username)
6 - Click your curser in the big white area (message body) and write your introduction.
7 - When you have entered your message, scroll down and click on "submit"
8 - read your posting, if you want to edit it you can by clicking on "edit" on the upper right
9 - if you have more questions, let me know

Ed Kincer

Q:  What are "BB Codes" and "Body Tags"?

A:  You can find a complete answer here, but find short answer below:

BB Code is the bulleton board user language, it resembles HTML (hyper text mark-up language) used by the web.  The good news is that we don't have to use BB Code very much.

 Body tags are used to modify your text. For instance, if you highlight your text and then click on "i", you text will be italicized.  Highlight your text and click on "u" for underline. One frequently used body tag is "quote".  When replying to a specific portion of a post, you can highlight that phrase, copy and paste it to your message, then while highlighted click on "quote".  The highlighted passage will appear in a text box within your message.

Q:  Where can I find additional help using the forum?

A:  The forum contains a complete list of FAQs which can be found here.

Q:  I tried downloading the newsletter and it gets about 20% through and stalls.

A:  If you are on a regular 56k modem or slower some members have reported a problem with the download if they just click on it using a Windows machine. Basically your browser just times out. Usually at around 20% through the download.

For everyone who did have this problem the solution was to click with the right mouse button over the month you want to download. Scroll down on the popped up menu until "Save Target As" , "Save Link As", or something similar (this depends on your browser) is highlighted. Click on "save target as" with left mouse button. A window will pop up so you can direct your computer where to save the downloading file on your hard drive. I suggest you make a new folder and download all the newsletters there so they are easy to find.

Q:  How do I get Adobe Reader?

A:  You will need the acrobat reader program to view a Cloud Hopper newsletter. Most machines already have this but if you don't, you can get a free copy.

Click on "Download Adobe Reader" link on the newsletter page and fill out the info from Adobe. Make sure you download the correct reader for you operating system.

If you download any sort of manual or brochure off the web most will require this reader to access the file. This PDF format is really a web and print standard, so, you will be using this for far more that the newsletter!

Q:  How do I get a picture posted on the Cloud Hopper web site?

A:  It's simple, just email your picture(s) to Larry but there are some "rules" to follow.   First, the image must be less than 600 pixles wide and it works best if about 300.  That should keep the file size down, but files less than 25 KB work best as some members are on dial up and large files take forever.  Also, do your own editing before you send your picture.   Don't send the whole disc, rather just send the few pictures that are really good.  If you can, do any cropping or digital enhancement before you send it.

Q:  How do I do contribute technical advice to the web site?

A:  First, write it up in an easy-to-understand format.   Then save it in some kind of standard Microsoft file (i.e. Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.).   You can also save it as a pdf file or a text file if you'd like. Then just email your document to Larry.   I'll look it over to make sure I think it's usable.   Then I'll add it to this portion of the Cloud Hopper web site.    It's as simple as that.  

Q:  How do I do a better covering job?

A:  George Dzahristos of the PMAC club provides this step-by-step covering process .

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